Ampersand vs. “And”

Conjunctions, Versus

I sometimes see an ampersand used where the word “and” is required.

These two conjunctions are not quite synonyms.

Wikipedia has an excellent overview of the ampersand.

As Wikipedia notes, “The word ampersand is a corruption of the phrase ‘and per se and’, meaning ‘and [the symbol which] by itself [is] and‘.”

The ampersand symbol — & — comes from a ligature of the letters “e” and “t” in the Latin word et, which means “and”.

Although the rise in popularity of SMS text messaging — with its 140-characters-per-message limit — has spurred the increasing use of the one-character “&” as a substitute for the three-character “and”, it is NOT appropriate to use the ampersand absolutely everywhere as a substitute for “and”.

Here is a summary of where the ampersand is appropriate:

  • In the name of a business (e.g., “Smith & Jones”);
  • When addressing an envelope to a couple (e.g., “Dr. & Mrs. Johnson”);
  • In book and movie titles (e.g., “Harry & Tonto”);
  • When giving credit for close collaboration on a screenplay (e.g., “William Benson & Mary Gallagher”);
  • When citing sources in text, per the APA style guide (e.g., “(Watson & Crick, 1955)”).

An ampersand is also used in many computer languages.

Otherwise, an ampersand should NOT be used as a substitute for the conjunction “and”.

Reserve the use of the ampersand (&) as a substitute for the conjunction “and” in business names, movie and book titles, names of couples on envelopes, and some other special situations.